By Chennelle Diong

Perfect Puff Pastry

Yes, this is real life! The perfect gluten-free puff pastry. At GoodLove Foods we make dreams come true. With our Frozen, Ready-to-Bake goods, you'll be able to create all the sweet & savory pastries you've been dreaming about.

Did you know that our GF puff pastry sheets are made using only the highest quality ingredients and on top of being manufactured in a 100% GF facility, they are also free from soy, eggs, nuts, oats, and seeds. Our GF flour mix is non-GMO, our dairy is non-rbst, and we keep it real by using only sweet cream butter. The good stuff. 

We want to ensure you only have the BEST experience with our puff pastry and so we've compiled a few Tasty Tips to follow. Don't forget to post your puff pastry pics on Instagram and tag us! We love to see and share your GoodLove foodie experiences. 


  • Puff pastry is incredibly versatile but can seem daunting to use. Don't fret. First things first - after thawing, make sure the puff pastry is still cold and firm before using. If you feel the dough is getting sticky or you can feel the butter melting, just put in your fridge or freezer to get the dough firmed up. Trying to work with warm or too soft puff pastry dough will affect the layers and you won't get a nice puff. 
  • When rolling out your puff, use whatever GF flour you prefer. You can also use tapioca or corn starch. Just use a very light dusting and light pressure. If you need to get a thinner sheet, try placing plastic wrap in between your floured sheet and your rolling pin. Again, don't press too hard.
  • You can bake our puff pastry plain! They are amazing as is. Grab a sharp knife or use something fun like cookie cutters. You can also fill or top our puff pastry with so many sweet & savory ingredients. Mini muffin pans are the best pan for making tasty treats of all kinds. Here's just a few things we're personally made: croutons, cheese straws, jelly doughnuts, empanadas, canapés of all kinds, poptart/strudels, pies & tarts, neopolitans, crackers, cannoli ... literally any and all appetizers.
  • Yes, set that oven to 425 degrees! Puff pastry does best in a hot oven. The magic happens when the cold puff pastry hits a hot oven. This helps create that amazing fluffy layers and the "puff" we all love.
    • First big tip when baking - RESIST the urge to open the oven. Let it bake for at least 10 minutes before rotating the pan (if needed). Puff pastry can deflate if you introduce cold air into the oven too soon.
    • If you're baking plain puff, place in the middle of your oven and bake for about 6 minutes and then feel free to turn down to about 400 degrees until fully baked and golden, about 15-18 minutes total.
    • If you're baking a filled or topped pastry, we suggest baking on a lower rack to seal the bottom crust and avoid soggy bottoms. Bake at the recommended 425 degrees for the first 6 or so minutes and then reduce to 400 or 375 depending on how thick the pastry is or how much filling is inside. 
    • Depending on your creation, you can glaze your pastry before or after baking. Be careful with sugar glazes or toppings as they can burn before the pastry is fully cooked. We love using an egg wash to get a nice golden color. You can also use a tiny bit of melted butter or allergen-free baking spray.
  • When the timer goes off, let the pastries cool on the pan for about 5 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack for to cool down more. You can achieve a crunchier, crispier crust by cooling on a rack so it doesn't sweat on a pan.
    • Key Takeaways
      • Make sure to keep that pastry dough COLD when working with it. Even when your oven is preheating, pop your sheet pan or pastry creation either in your fridge or freezer to get the butter nice and cold again before placing in the oven. 
      • Make sure to have your oven HOT and PREHEATED. The best puff occurs in a hot oven and again, try to resist opening the oven door too soon or the pastry will deflate.
    • Last but not least, ENJOY your perfect GF puff pastry creation. Savor each delicious bite as you forget about your worries for the day.


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