Join us for a gluten-free food drive!

Hi GFF's, Please join us, and Denver Celiacs (NCA) among others, to get together to help our gluten free community!

Please stop by the GoodLove lab (come see our space!) from August 14th through the 18th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. leading up to the main event (on the 19th) to drop off non-perishable, undamaged, unexpired gluten free food items to pack into bags for families in need. Here at GoodLove we will be donating 10% of our sales this same week to Denver Celiacs. 

Some important links:
To RSVP/donate please visit this page.
If you know of someone, or are someone who might benefit from a GF food bag, please fill out this form.

We will be showcasing gluten free pastry puff, biscuits, and cinnamon rolls by offering live demos of products and appetizers for participants!
There will be other vendors with demos and samples. AND we'll be offering a special giveaway to those who come! (It might include FREE goods). We can't wait to see you at the lab!
"The local NCA chapter exists to spread gluten free awareness amongst the Denver metro area. We offer support to folks diagnosed with Celiac Disease or gluten intolerance. Our goal is to help our community members live a happy, healthy, confident, and positive life while living a gluten free lifestyle! We are Denver Celiacs and we are here for you!"