By Chennelle Diong

Perfect Cinnamon Rolls

The perfect cinnamon rolls are ridiculously easy to make with no mess, no stress, all the flavor & texture AND are gluten-free! Simply grab a pack of GoodLove Foods Cinnamon Rolls from your freezer ... Boom! The hard part is already done. Our Frozen, Ready-to-Bake goods will soon become a best friend (and household fave).

Did you know that our GF cinnamon rolls are made using only the highest quality ingredients and on top of being manufactured in a 100% GF facility, they are also free from soy, eggs, nuts, oats, and seeds. Our GF flour mix is non-GMO, our dairy is non-rbst, and we keep it real by using only sweet cream butter. The real, good stuff. 

We want to ensure you only have the BEST experience with our cinnamon rolls and so we've compiled a few Tasty Tips to follow. Don't forget to post your cinnamon roll pics on Instagram and tag us! We love to see and share your GoodLove foodie experiences. 


  • Yes, pop those rolls in your oven FROZEN. No need to defrost, unless you're making one of our delicious recipes. If they happen to be defrosted, that's totally fine! Drop the oven temp a bit and adjust the cooking time.
  • 400 degrees may seem a bit hot for cinnamon rolls, but trust us! The hot oven helps the rolls puff up and get all beautiful and golden. If your oven runs hotter, knock the heat down to 375 but adjust your cooking time by a few minutes.
  • As the cinnamon rolls bake you'll smell the amazing aroma of cinnamon & sugar and it will be tempting to open the oven ... don't! Keep those babies in the hot oven until at least the 15 minute mark. If you have hot spots, this is when you can rotate the pan. Keeping the oven door closed during the initial bake will ensure a super fluffy and gooey roll. 
  • If you plan to bake an entire pack (we don't blame you) there are a few ways you can switch up the final result. If you like more of a crust and a firmer cinnamon roll, separate the rolls on a sheet pan lined with parchment. If you like more of that gooey, softer style, place the rolls in an 8" round pan lined with parchment. As they rise and expand, the rolls will start to touch and the finished bake will be soft, decadent and ooey gooey.
  • When the timer is up, you'll have incredibly delicious cinnamon rolls and you'll be tempted (again) to dive right in. Don't! Let them cool on the pan, in the oven or on your countertop, for a few reasons:
    • GF baked goods are best when cooled slightly. I know, a fresh, hot cinnamon roll right out of the oven is hard to resist but trust me, they'll still be hot, just let them sit for 5 minutes and then top with the icing before devouring.
  • All cinnamon rolls are best when fresh, but if you have happen to have any leftovers, keep them wrapped or in a container in your fridge. To reheat, we suggest microwaving for 30 seconds.
    • You can also cut up the leftover rolls and make a yummy bread pudding!
    • Or, cut the roll in half, like a bun, and toast it. This becomes the perfect vessel for any breakfast sandwich ... you know the one I'm referring to:) 
    • Or, if the roll was left out too long and has become dry, why not pulse it in a food processor and use the tasty crumbs as a topping for ice cream. Add some coconut flakes to it and bake it like granola. Yes please!
  • Last but not least, ENJOY your perfect GF cinnamon roll. Savor each bite of melted icing and warm cinnamon as you forget about your worries for the day.


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