By Annika Sisac

It's A Silly-Yak Thing

2024 came and went with a bang, and after closing out the year we had some time to reflect about the holidays. Food is a common denominator we all share. An element of togetherness that brings us to sit around a common table. The nostalgic smell of fresh baked goods of secret recipes and flavors that you saved only to enjoy on special occasions...

Here at GoodLove Foods®, we understand that food is how we express our identities, cultures, and traditions. We're also all too familiar with the way Celiac Disease can hinder our ability to do one simple act - eating. When you're the only one at the gathering who can’t dig in, it’s isolating and we get it.

That’s why at GoodLove, we don’t just make frozen, ready-to-bake GF faves. With the combined experiences of Celiacs everywhere, we saw the need for something bigger than delicious GF biscuits. Something that brings us together in our differences–a HERD.

How did we coin Silly-Yak®? It all started when a friend pointed out the way my husband and later business partner (the OG celiac), said "celiac" with his slight southern drawl. It sort of sounded like he was saying "silly yak!" And thus, our cutie mascot was born. She's here as your GFF, aka Gluten Free Friend, to remind you that you aren’t alone in pursuing safe food and a meaningful lifestyle. 

Our founders, Chennelle and Justin are all about Team Silly-Yak®! From their own frustrations and experiences as Celiacs, to coming together through mouth-watering GF delights, these two Silly-Yaks wanted to share togetherness with all their GF besties. Not only is our Silly-Yak® label a promise to our commitment to 100% gluten-free food, that is celiac friendly, but delicious enough for all. It’s also our identity and symbolizes a common denominator in the community of Celiacs.

Our little Silly-Yak® has been poppin' around for a while now, but we figured it's never too late to formally introduce her. Don't be shy, give her a fist bump! Being a Silly-Yak® is pretty rad, our team would know.

Keep it GFAF!

Sincerely the GoodLove Team



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